JoAnn (Joey) Bennett runs a busy private acupuncture and herbal medicine practice in San Francisco as well as teaching at ACTCM. Her teaching focus is on community acupuncture, bringing healing to those most in need, and on highly skilled and precise diagnosis and needling. She works with many physical healing modalities including acupuncture, tui na, gua sha, cupping, and moxibustion. Joey teaches a needling lab to help students gain confidence in their ability to achieve the highest level of healing. In her private practice she specializes in women’s health, fertility, pregnancy and postpartum care, and on orthopedic and sports medicine.
In Clinic: Students working with Joey at the CIIS community ear clinic get to see the medicine make a huge difference in people’s lives, and see big changes take place very quickly. They will gain great confidence in needling as well as interpersonal skills, and they will be offered the opportunity to find their own voice and style of practice.
Best Advice to Students: Expect to work extremely hard, and expect to benefit immeasurably.
Class Taught: Needling Lab