
The decision to close ACTCM was made by CIIS’ Board of Trustees. CIIS leadership had convened an external review audit at the request of the Board.

No. The decision to close was multifaceted; finances, leadership, changes in the field, among others, were also involved.

An Executive Summary of the report with all pertinent information has been made available to the public.

CIIS currently holds the ACTCM brand. When the two institutions merged, ACTCM became a school of CIIS. It ceased to exist as a separate entity. As such, the “brand” is owned by CIIS. For another organization to use the name and curriculum, agreement would need to be reached between CIIS and the other entity. 

See above. Creating a new standalone institution was one of the options in the report. Because the likelihood of viability was low, this option was not recommended.

Current WSCUC accreditation for ACTCM programs and degrees is held at the institutional level by CIIS.  Once those programs complete their teach-out and close, the ACTCM-specific accreditation will be null and void.

Current ACAHM accreditation will likewise be null and void once ACTCM closes.

Students completing their programs as part of the teach-out will be receiving fully accredited degrees.

Decisions on books, publications, and similar resources will be included in a detailed teach-out plan, currently being developed. Acupuncture and TCM-related physical collections (print books and journals), e-books, and electronic subscriptions (e-journals and databases) remain available to students and faculty.

Decisions on the medicinal garden will be made as part of the detailed teach-out plan currently being developed. We will do our best to ensure that this resource will remain available to the field of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

ACTCM Students

No, ACTCM will remain open for a teach-out of students who can complete their degree by Summer 2024.

A teach-out allows currently enrolled students to continue with their coursework over a set period of time.

While the timeline for the teach-out has not yet been finalized, we are committed to giving students a period of approximately two years to complete their degree.

We have contracted with a consultant with expertise in the field of Traditional Chinese Medicine education to help guide the teach-out process. She is holding individual meetings with every currently enrolled student to review their course of study and advise on the best path to degree completion. You will either be able to graduate from ACTCM at CIIS or to transfer to another school and graduate from there.

Part time students will meet with our consultant to review their course of study. You will be advised of your best path to degree completion; this will vary based on each individual situation.

Please watch for an invitation for an individual meeting with our consultant; she will help you determine whether you should transfer or remain at ACTCM.

We are in communication on transfer credits with the other greater Bay Area schools of Chinese Medicine. We cannot guarantee that all courses you have taken will transfer as programs differ. You will be advised regarding options for transfer.  Ultimately, transfer credit is determined by the other institution and is under the guidance of state and national accreditation standards.

We are meeting with currently enrolled students as quickly as possible. If you are eligible to transfer, we will ensure that any courses taken this summer can be transferred. Students should contact Praise Wu immediately to schedule an appointment with our consultant.

This will be determined through an individual analysis of your transcript. The other local Chinese Medicine schools are working with us to provide maximum transfer of credits within compliance requirements.

This must be based on an assessment of your transcript and course of study. You will be advised of your best path to degree completion.

We are in communication with the other area schools of Chinese Medicine. If a transfer is the best path for you, we will assist you with this process.

Your CIIS transcript can be obtained through the Registrar and is available upon request. It is permanently retained and can be requested at any point in the future. All financial records can be obtained through the Finance and Financial Aid offices, respectively. Transcripts submitted for admission to CIIS will need to be re-obtained from those institutions.

Yes, Summer semester will occur as planned.

No, there will be no change to Summer 2022 semester.

Tuition or fees that have been paid for courses taught will not be eligible for a refund.

Yes, CIIS will reimburse fees for applications to transfer to up to two schools. Transfer fees – 5 Branches up to $500.

There will be no immediate changes to the clinic. A plan for the future of the clinic will be developed and communicated as we proceed with the teach-out.

The ACTCM Program Committee, along with our consultant, is looking at clinic shifts and other ways of allowing students to accelerate if they wish to do so.

It will not impact current or past loans.

All core faculty will continue for at least the next academic year if they wish to do so. We will assess needs as we go forward; as students graduate or transfer, there will be a decrease in the number of classes offered, but you will have access to the classes outlined in your individual study plan within the expected timeframe. Availability of classes will depend on you following your agreed plan of study; should you fall behind on your plan of study, we cannot guarantee classes will be available.

There will be support for preparing for Comps. There will be no change to requirements for graduation.

Yes, there will be no change to your degree.

This will be an individual assessment. If, after you have your individual study plan, you believe you will have a housing or transportation impact because of this decision, please schedule an appointment with Fraylanie Aglipay, Student Affairs,

No. We will maintain all records and will have information about accessing records available on the CIIS website.

ACTCM Faculty and Staff

There is no immediate change to faculty or staff employment. The teach-out will take place over an extended period. HR will provide information to faculty and staff as needed.

There will be no change to your benefits as long as you remain at your current employment level. HR will be available to discuss your benefits and compensation.

If you are conducting research at ACTCM or CIIS, please contact the Human Research Review Committee (HRRC) to discuss your approval and timeline. For any other research questions, please contact Liz Beaven,

We want to provide a supportive environment for students as they review their options and proceed with completing their programs. Important points include confirming the Board’s decision of closure and that we have entered a process of teaching-out currently enrolled students. The quality of their education will not be impacted, all graduation requirements remain in place, and you are there to support them. If students have further questions, they should contact our consultant.

ACTCM Alumni and Donors

We will be working with faculty and staff to support them in this transition and to ensure that they are informed. We do not anticipate immediate changes to faculty or staff; this transition will take place over time.

Gifts that have been given to ACTCM or CIIS will have been used for their intended purpose. If you wish to discuss a prior gift, please contact Richard Buggs in Advancement.