This course covers the foundations of Japanese acupuncture techniques.
Course Description:
Students focus on advanced acupuncture techniques represented by the Japanese approach known as Meridian Therapy “Keiraku Chiryo” to manage a wide range of disorders associated with physical injuries and pain that an acupuncture practitioner commonly encounters in medical practice. The course focuses on Japanese palpation skills in pulse, abdomen, and distal channel pathways to develop a Root treatment protocol followed by a Branch treatment that focuses on the subjective complaints of the patient. Gentle superficial needle techniques are emphasized for assessing deficiencies.
This is an in-person hands-on class. Participants will be required to be masked at all times, and will complete a screening questionnaire prior to coming onto campus each day. Space is limited.
About the Instructor:
Jeffrey Dann, Ph.D., L.Ac. is a medical anthropologist, an educator and a community health practitioner for the past 40 years. Having studied pre-med and anthropology at Dartmouth College, he did graduate work at the University of Washington in Seattle in medical anthropology. He studied traditional healing arts, manual medicine, and movement therapy in Japan, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, China, Korea, and Vietnam. Dr. Dann has been an adjunct faculty in anthropology at the University of Hawaii at Hilo for many years, co-founder of the Hilo School of Massage, medical director of the East-West Clinic, and co-president of the Traditional Japanese Acupuncture Foundation. He is also a faculty member at Southwest Acupuncture College in Boulder, CO, as well as a faculty member for the Japanese acupuncture certificate program at the AIMC in Berkeley, CA.
16 CEUs Pending Approval by California Acupuncture Board, Category 1 (CEP #016)
- Continuing Education, Public events