Kathryn Ryan, L.Ac.

Kathryn Ryan is currently a clinic supervisor at the ACTCM clinic and since 2010 she has supervised the ACTCM shift at California Pacific Medical Center in the Rehab Unit, helping patients recover from stroke and traumatic brain and spinal injuries. Kathryn has been treating patients using acupuncture and herbal medicine in private practice for over 30 years. Previously she worked at the Quan Yin Healing Arts Center for 6 years during the HIV epidemic where she gained valuable experience working with the transgender community. Kathryn was also involved in several research studies at Stanford University over an 18 year period, utilizing acupuncture to treat various health problems including depression, back pain, and insomnia. Previously she supervised a clinic shift at the St. James Infirmary treating sex workers.



  • Master of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine, ACTCM, San Francisco, 1984

Best Advice to Students: Learn to meditate and strive for a daily practice.